1. Agave americana
2. Agave Americana ‘Variegata’
3. Echium amoenum ‘Red Feathers’
4. Yucca rostrata
5. Berkheya purpurea ‘Zulu Warrior’
6. Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius ‘Silver Jubilee’
7. Phlomis tuberosa ‘Amazone’
8. unknown
9. Erigeron glauca ‘Sea Breeze’
10. Aloe arborescens
11. Lamprothyrsus hieronymi
12. Nerine bowdenii ‘Zeal Giant’
14. Santolina rosmarinifolia ‘Lemon Fizz’
15. Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Grand Bleu’
16. Cistus x lenis ‘Grayswood Pink’
17. Salvia sclarea
18. Sempervivum green
19. Sempervivum sp.
20. Sedum sieboldii ‘Variegatum’
21. Euphorbia enopla
22. Erygium x zabelii ‘Big Blue’
23. Opuntia humifusa
24. Baptisia australis
25. Senecio candicans ‘Angel Wings’
26. Agave stricta nana ‘Blue Form’
27. Colletia paradoxa
28. Convolvulus sabatius
30. Festuca glauca
31. Aeonium sp.
32. Dianella revoulta ‘Little Rev’
We are now in our temporary home in the undamaged Poly Tunnel. A New Poly Tunnel will be built soon and we then will move back.
It's a lot of work caused by the storm and we hope you will come along and support us. We have lots of plants for sale. Do come along and see us!
FSBG : 2024
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